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Above are defensive RUN FITS.  Our defense is built around alignment / assignment.  Half the battle in defensive football is getting lined up correctly and performing YOUR JOB!  Every defensive practice we spend time teaching our players to ALIGN / ASSIGN.  Then they can play FAST and AGGRESSIVE and STOP THE RUN.  Offense tries to CREATE space and defense job is to CLOSE it.


We are a GAP CONTROL defense.  We build our defense through the weight room.  Our 1st job to to play base defense and make it very challenging for offenses to run the football.  We teach out of the 40 front.  Our DLINE builds a wall (gets hands on OLINE) and masters block recognition.  This frees up our LB's and safeties to RUN FIT and SQUEEZE the football.  Our tackling package teaches vicing the football and we teach team tackle and SPRINT to the FOOTBALL !!!


We teach a variety of coverages, but our 1st coverage is PALMS coverage.  This gets our DB's involved in our RUN FITS and now majority of the time we are FITTING the box with 9 players.  We also have a CHECK SYSTEM and depending on offensive formation our defense adjusts to cover vertical threats and then we ALIGN / ASSIGN and play FAST and AGGRESSIVE.  


If we could play base defense every play we would and we have before.  However, when we play certain teams there are times we need to change up looks.  Here is some of our pressures that squeeze space in the box and mix different coverages.



We also give different looks where we can stand up DLINE, match offensive personnel with defensive personnel, and play down and distance appropriately.

© B. Sonnichsen

Here are tackling drills we pull from which promotes leveraging and vicing the ball.  

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